
Posted by September Blue Thursday, 27 August 2009

I don't know what I've done this week. And there are definitely things I have done, what with all the meetings and the typing and the sighing at computers and the crossing things off lists, but maybe there hasn't been enough of that last one, because I can't think of a single thing I've done this week that's more specific than 'um, work'.

Here's one non-work accomplishment, though: I have Sorted My Clothes Out. Not in the sense that some of my more fashion-savvy friends would like, but in the sense of dividing the things I wear from the things I haven't worn for years, am never going to wear again, and no longer even like. Behold, the pile halfway through:

Photo 6

The checked shirt on the bottom, I've owned since I was sixteen. The cream jacket near the top, I wore once for ten minutes three years ago before getting annoyed at the label prickling my neck and taking it off. The black and white thing on the far right there might be a tea-towel, now I come to look at it, and I don't remember what the black thing on top even is, but clearly I am not going to miss either of them.

There has been something of a purge of long skirts. I might regret this come winter, but truly, I think me and long skirts have gone the way of me and long hair. I've had it with stepping on hems, for one thing. And also, for the amount of space they take up, they are truly satisfying things to throw on the Banished Clothes pile as it grows and grows and grows.


  1. Sisyphus Says:
  2. Fun! I love Banishing things. Especially when I should be prepping for something else. Or grading.

  3. Ha, yes! I go through insane cleaning sprees any time there's a writing deadline looming. There are only a few things less appealing than cleaning the oven, but checking references is definitely in there...

  4. Autumn Song Says:
  5. I recently had a clothes clear-out too. It's amazing what stuff we keep. I found stuff I'd forgotten I had - some good and I've worn it since, and other stuff I can't imagine why I didn't throw it out years ago! Eventually i'll get round to buying proper wardrobes and have somewhere to keep the good clothes I have unearthed...